Thursday, March 19, 2015

Manchester United Player Offers Girl £10k To Have Threesome With Teammate

A 19 year-old girl has claimed that Manchester United player Andreas Pereira offered her money to sleep with him and fellow United player Paddy McNair.
Pereira, who made his first league appearance for United last weekend, is alleged to have text the girl to ask if she'd be willing to have a threesome with himself and McNair, who made his debut for the side at the beginning of the season, with each player paying "5 each."
The girl, Kelly McKinney, says her and friends met the players during the club's Christmas party where they shared drinks with the two players. The girl turned down the offer and told the Sun newspaper; "I nearly fell off my chair when he offered me £10,000 for a threesome. What kind of low-life does that? I’m not that kind of person at all and found it very, very insulting.”
After allegedly tracking Kelly down through twitter the Belgian born Brazilian Under-21 player then started texting the girl. He then whattsapped her with the proposition first asking if she wanted to do something with him and McNair. When she asked what Pereira is alleged to have replied; "Threesome. Will take care of u. U want? How much. Tell me. We were ready to pay 5each."
The United midfielder is said to have text the woman again at the beginning of this month asking to hook up for sex. When Miss McKenny responded asking if it would just be him Pereira is alleged to have replied saying it would be with another friend and cash offered if she did well. 
It is not confirmed whether or not McNair had any knowledge of the incident.

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