Friday, May 1, 2015

How often can we have sex in order to make beautiful babies?

Well, the more the sex, the more beautiful they come. So fire away.

A number of people have observed that the sperm count improves after abstinence from ejaculation for a number of days. They usually point out that that may be the reason why labs routinely request men being worked up for a seminal fluid analysis or sperm donation/cryopreservation to abstain from activities resulting in ejaculation for a number of days before specimen collection.

Well, it is true that following a week of nil ejaculation, there is a marginal (perhaps minimal) increase in sperm count. However, it is also true that after a week of nil ejaculation, the motility of sperm decreases. The potential of sperm with respect to fertility depends (among other things) on the sperm count AND sperm motility. It is quite pointless - from  a fertility standpoint - to have an ejaculate full of sperm (i.e. good sperm count) that are either not swimming at all, or swimming so lazily and purposelessly as to make conception improbable.

Whereas research findings have shown that daily sexual intercourse produces the highest pregnancy rates, common-sense also dictates that sex, however glamourous, becomes a bit of a chore after a while, especially because it is not exactly an energy-saving endeavor. Therefore, an acceptable compromise for those who cannot afford to dance without pants everyday, and nonetheless desire that their babies are born crying and kicking in the nearest possible future is to have sex at least two to three times a week. In fact, our working definition of infertility usually includes a proviso that the couple have unsuccessfully been trying to get pregnant for two years by having unprotected sex at least two to three times per week.

Bottom line: the more times you have great sex, the more your chances of making babies. All babies are beautiful. In doubt? Ask those who have seen me before, or look at your own baby pictures - before the pimples came calling.

By Dr Hugo

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